Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Course Objective:

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Students will be able to use this information to make intelligent decisions with regard to their health and well-being.

Course Expectations:

1. Each student is expected to turn in all written work.

2. Students are expected to keep and maintain a notebook
And keep all hand outs given to them for future reference.

3. Videos pertaining to the content will be used and most
will require notes and questions.


5. Each student will be required to keep a journal. This will be written in 2-3 times per week. The journal will be graded and counted towards your final grade. Each journal entry should be at least ½ page long.

6. There will be no food of any kind brought into the class room.

7. Behavior such as excessive talking, cell phone use, not paying attention and sleeping are not allowed and will result in disciplinary action and loss of participation points.

Topics to be covered:

1. Stress and Relationships
2. Reproduction/Sex Education
3. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
4. Fundamental Nutrition
5. Eating Disorders
6. Addictive Behavior/ Alcohol and Drugs and Tobacco


SERT stands for School Emergency Response Training. The S.E.R.T. Program is a federal program that provides training in disaster management. In this program students will learn basic first aid as well as several techniques that can be used in a time of crisis. This portion of the course will feature several guest speakers and the students respect and attention are required at all times. Students not meeting behavioral expectations will be removed from the SERT program.


Computers are used daily in this class. The use of computers is a privilege and will be revoked if it is abused. Games, music programs and instant messaging are examples of ways to loose your computer privileges in health. This will apply to the whole class and not just the offenders.


100%-90%= A
89%-80%= B
79%-70%= C
69%-60%= D

Students have 10 points a day to earn or lose. Behaviors such as those spelled out in the course expectations (#4,6 and 7) will result in a loss of points. Students will have various assignments and tests through out the semester. All work must be turned in to earn credit. Late work will be accepted in accordance with the rules of Pueblo West High School as well as all other rules and regulations spelled out in your student handbook.